Don’t Fall In Love With The Boss Extra - Ch 38

Little Theaters after Chapter 38:

Lu Xun: Didn’t you say you don’t like coquettish b*tch?! Just look at that Mo Tao and his cherry blossom eyes. Any way you look at him he is more of a coquettish b*tch than I am. What is it that you like about him?! Oh woman, thy name is Duplicity!

Qian Wei: Well, if I must say. Mo Tao is… a pretty straight forward guy. He’s not a tsundere, a men sao,* and a coquettish b*tch like you are, boss…

Lu Xun: You shut up! Stop listing his strong suits! I am very straight forward too! I am always very straight forward in bed!

Qian Wei: … Please stop while you are head… let’s keep this PG…



It refers to people who look quiet, cold or even dull outside, but inside they are volatile, charismatic, hot and sexy. It may also be used to describe a person's duplicitous personality, but mostly in the eulogistic sense. (source:

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Don’t Fall In Love With The Boss Extra - Ch 37