Fringe Capybara Hall of Fame (2022)

I have set up a recurring goal on ko-fi. Every time the goal is met, a chapter of the novel receiving the highest donation will be posted in addition to its regular update schedule.

Donors will be added to the Hall of Fame here. To be respectful to my ko-fi donors, your alias will be listed as they appeared on ko-fi. Please feel free to contact me should you prefer to be listed differently.

May Hall of Fame:

HappyReader - Green Tea’s Crushin’ Victories in the 70s

Maggie - unspecified

Jzeal - unspecified


Goal #9 has been met!! And the winner is Green Tea’s Crushin’ Victories in the 70s (GTB)!!

Goal#10 has been started and we are already at 43% of goal!! Thank you again for all your generous donation! =)

Winner of Goal #9:
Green Tea’s Crushin’ Victories in the 70s

April Hall of Fame:

HappyReader - Green Tea’s Crushin’ Victories in the 70s

KungKoe - unspecified

Yellowbirdabana - The Greatest Astrologist

Nyurr - Married to the Male Lead’s Brother

Ta ~ - Married to the Male Lead’s Brother

BltSandwichSlop - unspecified

Christine GL - Rebirth of the Evil Mother-in-Law

Anon Kofi-Supporter - unspecified

March Hall of Fame:

Nyurr - Married to the Male Lead’s Brother

Dimie - unspecified

Yellowbirdabana - The Greatest Astrologist?

Goal #8 has been met!! And the winner is Transmigrated as the Parvenu’s Ex-Wife (TPE)!! For those of you who didn’t already know, TPE will be ending soon. See homepage for schedule.

Goal#9 has been started!! Thank you again for all your generous donation! =)

Leading Novel for Goal #8:
Transmigration as the Parvenu’s Ex-Wife

February Hall of Fame:

Yellowbirdabana - GTB

Christine GL - MSM

Anon Ko-fi Supporter - unspecified

Goal #8 currently @ 85%

Leading Novel for Goal #8:
Transmigration as the Parvenu’s Ex-Wife

January Hall of Fame:

parsinger - TPE
DragonLady - MIL
Yellowbirdabana - GTB
Anon Ko-fi Supporter - not specified

Goal #7 was met this month. Thank you all. An additional part of MMLB will be posted!

Goal #8 currently @ 61%

Winning Novel for Goal #7:
Married to the Male Lead’s Brother