Married to the Male Lead’s Brother - 295

Married to the Male Lead’s Brother
Translator: Fringe Capybara
Chapter 295 - "You are looking for Wei Xing? Let me help you." (4)
Edited by: Lulu

“Don’t be like that, Professor Yuan. Your student is severely injured and needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible. What is more important than that?” Ning Zhi could smell the alcohol on his breath even from this distance. “Are you just going to let him die?”

Ning Zhi casually added, “What do you think the school will say when they find out that you refused to help out a student?”

The veins on Professor Yuan’s forehead popped out. “Get in!”

“Thank you, Professor Yuan.” Ning Zhi smiled, turned around, and said to the bodyguard. “Professor Yuan said he’d take us to the hospital. You come and drive!”

Professor Yuan looked at Ning Zhi incredulously. “This is my car!”

“You are right about that, but you drank alcohol and shouldn’t be driving. Are you trying to set a bad example here, Professor Yuan?” Ning Zhi looked at the man in the driver’s seat from the top to bottom. 

The veins on Professor Yuan’s forehead became more prominent. He got out of his car angrily and was about to walk to the back seat. 

Ning Zhi quickly got in the back seat with Lu Jue and said, “Professor Yuan, you are an elderly. You should take the passenger seat.”

Professor Yuan let out a deep breath, and his drunk face became even redder. 

Sitting in the middle, Ning Zhi had Lu Jue sit next to the window. The bodyguard had no idea what was going on, but he got inside the driver seat and started the car anyway. 

“I want to go home. I want to go look for Wei Xing,” said the drunk Fang Yuzhou, who was leaning against the window on the other side of the car. 

Sitting in the passenger seat, Professor Yuan was not looking very happy. “I’ll take you home after I’ve dropped these two students off at the hospital.”

“I can go by myself……” Fang Yuzhou wanted to go look for her boyfriend. 

Professor Yuan didn’t say anything. 

Looking at Fang Yuzhou’s drunk face, Ning Zhi pondered. 

She leaned into her and said, “You want to go look for Wei Xing? I’ll help you look for him in a little while.”

Meeting Fang Yuzhou’s blank look, she said to her softly, “I can take you to Wei Xing.”

Fang Yuzhou had no idea that Wei Xing had been waiting for her for a long, long time. 

Fang Yuzhou, finally understood what Ning Zhi was saying, gave her a sweet smile. “Yes, I want to go look for Wei Xing.”

Sitting in the front, Professor Yuan was no longer looking angry. He had calmed down a lot. “Aren’t you two going to the hospital? I will drop you off at the hospital first, and I will take Fang Yuzhou home after. Don’t trouble yourself.”

“Professor Yuan, all the more should we trouble you. I know her boyfriend, and she is drunk right now. I can take her to him,” said Ning Zhi politely. 

Professor Yuan adjusted his spectacles and sounded blunt. “You just mind your own business.”

“Professor Yuan.” Ning Zhi smiled and raised her voice purposefully. “Whatever do you mean by that?”

Professor Yuan took a deep breath before he said in a milder tone. “What I meant was, you two are heading to the hospital. Didn’t you say earlier that it was a matter of life and death? You take care of yourself. I have a car. I can drop Fang Yuzhou off at her place.”

Ning Zhi’s lips curved, and she said nothing. 

Not getting a response, Professor Yuan thought they had agreed to his arrangement. 

The bodyguard’s driving was very good. He drove fast and steadily, and the car pulled up in front of the hospital in no time. 

“We have arrived at the hospital, Young Master Lu Jue.”

Opening the car door, Lu Jue was the first to get out, followed by Ning Zhi, and in her arms, Fang Yuzhou.

Professor Yuan, in the passenger seat, acted quickly. He walked over to the back seat and opened the door. “You don’t move her. I will take her home right now.”

Professor Yuan gestured for Ning Zhi to just get out. 

“We wouldn’t want to trouble you, Professor Yuan.” Ning Zhi patted Fang Yuzhou on her cheek. “We are here. Let’s get out.”


Married to the Male Lead’s Brother - 296


Married to the Male Lead’s Brother - 294