Married to the Male Lead’s Brother - 305

Married to the Male Lead’s Brother
Translator: Fringe Capybara
Chapter 305 - Almost gritting her teeth, she warned Lu Jue, “No reading lewd writings!” (1)
Edited by: Lulu

It had only been a little over a year. Not only did the little boy become scrawny, but he also became handicapped?

Ning Zhi’s brows furrowed. She was not happy, but as an outsider, she could only go back and let them go 

“Let’s go back.” Ning Zhi held Lu Jue’s hand, intending to bring him back to the restaurant. 

As she turned to look at him, however, she immediately saw that the indicator above Lu Jue’s head was filled with little black clouds with lightning. In fact, more kept on popping out. He, too, was looking at the little boy’s limping left leg. 

He became livid once he discovered the boy’s impairment. 

Ning Zhi noticed that Lu Jue treated the little boy differently than the others. Maybe it was because the little boy has autism, too. Lu Jue could probably see himself in the little boy.

Ning Zhi brought Lu Jue back to the restaurant, and Fang Yuzhou asked about the encounter curiously. She lamented how pitiful the little boy was, having an unreliable parent like that middle-aged man. 

She hated parents who didn’t know how to educate their children and would automatically resort to hitting them when anything bad occurs. 

The whole evening Ning Zhi’s attention was on Lu Jue. There were lots of little black clouds with lightning in his indicator. They illuminated the area above his head, like a powerful lightning storm before a downpour. 

He was still furious. 

The lightning above Lu Jue’s head was still not gone by the time they got home. Ning Zhi knew that he was very concerned about the little boy. 

Ning Zhi then decided to contact the bodyguard who had helped her in the past and had him look into the little boy. 

The weather turned cold in the next few days that followed. Lu Jue had no more time to worry about the little boy because Zhizhi had fallen ill. 

When Ning Zhi woke up one morning, she noticed that she had a headache and a stuffy nose. She realized that she had a cold and was running a fever. 

Lu Jue was not an idiot. He knew that something was wrong once he heard that Ning Zhi’s voice was not normal and instantly became worried. 

“Don’t worry. I just have a cold. Just keep your distance from me or you will get infected too.” Ning Zhi pushed aside Lu Jue’s head that was leaning into her. 

Lu Jue didn’t care about infection or whatnot. He was a little frantic when he heard that Ning Zhi was ill. He couldn’t even be bothered with putting his shoes on before he walked on his bare feet to look for the phone. “Phone Dr. Jin.”

“Dr. Jin has been out of town recently. I’ll have the chauffeur get ready to take me to the hospital. You change and head to work.” Ning Zhi was very calm when it came to herself being ill. 

Lu Jue was in a blue pajama with big, red flowers. Since he had just woken up, some of his bangs were still sticking up. In response to her instructions, he shook his head, the hair that was sticking shaking side to side as well. “No work.”

Zhizhi was ill, and he needed to stay with her and take care of her. He couldn’t leave. 

He had promised Grandpa that he would take good care of Ning Zhi. 

Having expressed his refusal, Lu Jue walked over to Ning Zhi and picked her up. “Take Zhizhi to hospital.”

Ning Zhi was caught off guard when she was picked up by Lu Jue, princess-style. Falling into his warm embrace, her head banged against his strong, broad chest. The crash made her feel even dizzier. “You are not going to work? Are you going to stay with me?”

Lu Jue nodded seriously. “Stay with you. Must stay.”

Zhizhi was ill, and she needed someone to be with her. Just like how Zhizhi had taken care of him when he was ill. 

“If you are not going to work, then you need to take the day off.” Ning Zhi taught him. “You will need to give your team a heads up. You are a part of the team, and they will worry about you if you don’t let them know that you won’t be showing up.”

Ning Zhi didn’t forget to teach him how to get along with others. 

Lu Jue nodded obediently. “No phone.”

All Lu Jue had in his contact list were Father Lu’s, Mother Lu’s, and Zhizhi’s contact information. 

“Let me down. I’ll get my phone.” Lu Jue then grabbed Ning Zhi closer, forcing her to suddenly lean on Lu Jue’s chest, which made her feel dizzier. 

Lu Jue did not want to put her down. Lu Jue, who was getting smarter and smarter everyday, then he thought of another way to let her get the phone without having to let her go.. He leaned down carrying Zhizhi in his arms and gestured for her to pick up the phone that was placed next to the pillow. 

Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, Ning Zhi decided to humor him and reached out to pick up her phone without complaining. “Are you not worried that I will pass on my cold to you and get you sick?”

Lu Jue shook his head. Hedidn’t care whether he would get sick or not. All he wanted to do was to hold Zhizhi.


Married to the Male Lead’s Brother - 306


Married to the Male Lead’s Brother - 304